Monday, 5 April 2021

Getting Clara out there and a direct approach


I have a fun marketing strategy. I maintain a list of marketing activities that each takes about ten to twenty minutes and I do one a day. I start each month with the book that needs the most sales and work down my list. I adjust the list monthly according to where there has been some success.  Yes, of course, there are always a lot of unknowns. But anyway, Girl in a  Smart Uniform came up on the list as needing to be sent to a random reviewer. So, I’ve offered it to my professional actor friend who played the part of Clara Lehrs when we had a read through of it some months ago. I’m pleased to say she was delighted to be asked. I hope she enjoys it!

I often find that direct approaches like this are fruitful.

I’ve also recently attended, via Zoom, a workshop on adaptation run by the Octagon theatre.  It was certainly interesting and I was delighted that the Octagon then offered to read fifteen pages of our plays. So, fifteen pages of the play version of The House on Schellberg Street are now being read by the good people at the Octagon. It’s a little scary but also exciting. In any case, I wrote the play with their stage in mind.  However, the theatre was totally refurbished just before lockdown began so it may be different now.

We’ll see.            

Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay  

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