Monday, 18 February 2019

The Karl Schubert School Stuttgart

An Advent garden

A short history:

1919 Rudolph Steiner asked Karl Schubert to set up the special class.
1964 the school was recognised by the state.
1969 it moved to new premises 


Watch the two videos on the school's home page:
What do the children learn at the school?

Basic structure and curriculum

There are twelve classes with four to eleven students in each.
They stay with one class teacher until the end of Year 9.
Each class has at least one assistant as well as a teacher.
School is from 8.30 – 15.10 Monday to Wednesday and Thursday and Friday 8.30 – 12.45. From Monday to Wednesday the children get a cooked lunch.
Just like at the Waldorf School, Main Lesson is important and all other subjects are woven into this. Each topic lasts five to six weeks.  
Each day starts with a whole school assembly.

The Kindergarten

This follows the same hours as the school but is for children aged 3-7.
In Germany, school doesn't start until children are seven but they are entitled to go to Kindergarten form three.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? And of our system? 


Inclusion is important in this school as it is no doubt in yours.
The Karl Schubert School uses Theatre, Circus, Music, a holiday home and a farm to help.
How do you think these might help? 
Have you any experience of opportunities like these?

More Karl Schubert Schools and Homes:

There are further schools in Leipzig, Vienna, Graz, Filderstadt. Can you find any more?
Find out what you can about the work they do. 
Is it better to separate people like this or keep them in the "main stream"?
„In Ehrfurcht empfangen, in Liebe erziehen, in Freiheit entlassen“
"Received with respect, brought up with love, released in freedom"
That is the motto of the Waldorf schools. Does your school do this?
What about children with special needs like the ones who go to this school?