Monday, 27 January 2025

Starting Schellberg 7


Yes, I shall be starting this soon. I’ve already made quite a plan and even written a couple of draft chapters. But there was something missing. In one of those eureka moments that come when you’re way from your desk and doing something completely different I realised what it was. I don’t want to say too much as I don’t want to create any spoilers. However, I will say that someone I had thought of as a minor character will take on a bigger role and will bring cohesion to the whole story.

Some of the features in the whole book include:

Distaste of Hitler and the Nazi regime

The Swing Youth

The speakeasy

An Italian father

A girl with a lot of creativity

A home opened to artists

A fiancé lost in the Great War.

The White Rose movement

Communication with the Allies

German resistance

A relationship with a niece

Helping said niece with the return of her war-damaged fiancé.  

Theatre, theatre and theatre


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