Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Starting the Research

I’ve started doing a few bits and pieces now. I’ve been looking for extra funding but not yet even found anywhere to apply though I’m not too worried yet. There is still much I can do without funding.
I was very excited today to stumble across a story I had heard but no one seemed willing or able to confirm: that a school that was ordered to close by the Nazi regime actually went undercover and carried on operating. I’m using this as one of the strands in my novel. In fact, it was one of my background characters Clara Lehrs, who took it upon herself to house some disabled children who had been taught at the local Waldorfschule.
Clara Lehrs, a Jewess who became catholic, offered her home to these children. She now had two reasons for the Nazis to dislike her: she was technically Jewish and she was harbouring disabled people.
There is a Stolperstein on her old house in the Schellbergerstrasse in Stuttgart. Her life did not end happily.

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