Wild Spirit
Dawn Knox (More Titles by Dawn Knox)
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Large Print (Soft Cover) - 328 Pages
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It's Rae's dream to sail away across oceans on her family's boat, the WILD SPIRIT - but in 1939 the world is once again plunged into conflict, and her travel plans must be postponed. When Hitler's forces trap the Allies on the beaches of Dunkirk, Rae sails with a fleet of volunteer ships to attempt the impossible and rescue the desperate servicemen. However, her bravery places more lives than her own in jeopardy - including that of Jamie MacKenzie, the man she's known and loved for years...
Rae’s parents work hard. Her father is a consultant at a London hospital and her mother also studies to become a doctor. Rae’s family is solidly working class. Her mother in particular does not approve of Rae’s relationship with Jamie MacKenzie who is the son the boatyard owner who builds their boat, Wild Spirit. Rae’s father has named the boat after Rae. We certainly see that she has a wild spirit.
Rae and Jamie gradually fall in love though there are many obstacles in their way: Mr MacKenzie’s dislike of Rae, Rae’s mother’s disapproval of James and their circumstances keeping them apart.
We are offered quite a bit of historical detail here: what health care was like in the UK before the National Health Service was introduced, the Dunkirk rescue, the French Resistance, the attitude to women in the 1930s and 1940s. Also interesting is detail about the Dunton Plotalnds. Small plots of land were sold in the first half of the 20th century so that people could build holiday homes and run allotments. Two world wars prompted people to make the homes more permanent. Rae works on the gardens of some of these houses.
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