Friday, 11 April 2014

Two Speical Invitations

1.   The cyber-launch of The House on Schellberg Street, 11 April 2014.

This is one result of the sabbatical I enjoyed, Semester 1, 2011-2012. It might be described as a gentler Holocaust story. Certainly, the ending is reasonably upbeat for the young people involved. However, we, and I include there the Year 9 students who might read it, know a little more…..
I had an extraordinary resource to help me form this story – a collection of letters written by German girls 1942-1944 in an exercise book.
During the cyber-launch, I’ll be answering questions, posting short articles about background issues and adding extra bits to the web-site I’ve created. Do pop in when you can. All comments and questions will be answered even if not by the end of 11 April. Do take a look at the web-site which is actually an extension of the blog I wrote whilst creating the book:  I also discuss the fact and fiction in the novel and much about the process of writing.
I now have a further four books planned relating to what I studied in 2011. I’m actually editing the second, Clara’s Story. This also has a blog: . This is the story of one of the other main characters in the first book. 

2.   Women’s Writing

International Anthony Burgess Foundation, 17 April, 5.30. 
I shall be reading some extracts form The House on Schellberg Street, Clara’s Story and another work. I’ll be joined by Sarah Dobbs and Debz Hobbs-Wyatt.
We’ll also be debating the usefulness of creative writing within the academy and how it’s helped us working in this context. We’re working on an experimental project together and we’ll be sharing that with you. The project offers an opportunity for our Creative Writing students.
Sarah Dobbs is a graduate of Salford University. She graduated in English before we had a Creative Writing programme here. She has a PhD in Creative Writing and teaches part-time at Edge Hill. Her novel, Killing Daniel, published by Unthank, formed part of her PhD creative project. Sarah lives in Salford and has kindly offered her services as a visiting writer free of charge twice now for our students. 
I met Debz Hobbs-Wyatt when I was studying for my PhD at the University of Wales, Bangor. I mentored her for a short while. She has been a full-time writer for four years now. Her recently published novel, While No-One was Watching, published by Parthian, started off as a short story which she submitted as part of her MA at Bangor.
The event is free of charge, but we do ask you to register for it. Join here:
Of course, we’d never turn anyone away at the door as long as there was room.                

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