Thursday 28 December 2017

The House on Schellberg Street Edition 2

Yes, there is now a new edition of this ready. It has been taken out of print by Crooked Cats and I've decided to go ahead and self-publish it under our Chapeltown imprint. I'm also working on the next book, Clara's Story, and I'm hoping that can come out in the spring. Two more wait to be processed and two more are yet to be written. Will it end there? We'll see.   

This cycle of stories is a little bit niche. They are not, though, grizzly, as one of my MA tutors warned me they might become. Clara's Story is possibly the darkest but even that leaves some hope. Yes, the stories deal with the Holocaust and World War II but they represent an attempt to understand how these things happened and how ordinary people fared within them. They're also an experiment in using writing as historical research. When we can't establish the verifiable facts, we have to use another tool – in this case that writer's imagination that acts a little like method acting. There's quite a bit of discussion about that on this site.

This new edition has a new cover. It gives a few broader hints about the story though is in a similar style so still recognizable. I've also given it another thorough edit. Thankfully I found very few typos. It was first published in 2014 and even in that relatively short time the fashion in language has changed, so most of my editing changes have been to do with that. I'm having Clara's Story and the other professionally edited and proof-read. I've added one extra item to the Glossary – an explanation about the Kindertransport. The word isn't used in the text but it seems an important concept so I've included it. I've also made the blurb a little more explicit. Potential readers need to know about the Holocaust and World War II connection.

Thankfully Amazon has connected the reviews of the first edition to this new edition.

If you've not read it yet and would like to, you might like to read this new edition. Click on the link below to find it.

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